Friday, November 16, 2007

more pics


Paul and Glenda Wade said...

To: sports herniac

I left a comment moments ago to this Blog at:

I don't know where I should have posted my comments.

Please advise as to where I "should have" made my comments. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Sports Herniac said...

hi paul and glenda,
i am sorry to have missed your comment, thanks for posting on the blog. no need to aplogize, you have caused no inconvenience whatsoever! you posted in the right place. i tend to not look back to see older posts i guess. in the future, post wherever you like, now that i know people are looking at this blog i will check around more often.
anyhow, i am sorry about your story, that is painful to read about! i wish i knew how to offer the right advice, but i don't what would be best. i also have a similar neurapathy. there are two things that have been working to greatly reduce, and hopefully fully omit over the next few sessions, are:
1) neural therapy injections
- i get these done by an osteopath who performs injections and manipualtions. i know of him and he has mentioned a DO in canada that places some injections into the nerve ganglions, like done in europe, if need be.
2) visceral manipulation with an EXPERIENCED and QUALIFIED practitioner. one treatment with a reknowned expert helped me immensely. i see another practitioner in 3 weeks.

paul, look at neural therapy practitioner lists through

and find a vm practitioner through searching online. i found one near me at

best if he/she has taken many vm courses and has been doing it for a good while. there are some structural integration practitioners that are trained it vm. i can recommend someone in nyc if you are near there.

Stace said...

Thanks so much for posting this. Very helpful, particularly some safe exercises/stretching to do while recovering.