Thursday, November 15, 2007

a great, detailed article on the groin anatomy

this one is very detailed, hard to read, but explains a lot of the terms you read about when researching groin pain and sports hernias.

good article on sports hernia variations

here is a link to an article that explains the variations of sports hernias, ie slapt shot gut, disrutption, and the like.
in the article, tears in obliques, conjoint tendon, transversalis fascia, and more are discussed.

Friday, November 9, 2007

i'd really like to see some comments and/or posts

i'd like to know that this blog is serving a purpose. it gives me drive to post more often.
as i do this research i am thinking of all the people out there with similar groin pain. i really am doing this in order to help educate people who are in need of solving this pain when the doctors don't know what to do. in my own injury, if i hadn't done all this research i'd still be screwed because there were no doctors that were able to help. some were not even willing to help since they thought that my condition might have been psychsomatic, which we all know is a heap of crap. any doctor who doubts that the sports hernia exists is only fooling themselves and showing us that they need some continuing education.
so, please post some comments or questions or complaints or whatever. it costs nothing to register to be able to post, and takes only a couple of minutes. to those that did post, i thank you for doing so, it makes me feel like this blog is worth my time by being able to lend a hand to those who need it.

inguinal ring and oblique tearing

in tearing the external oblique aponeurosis, the ilioinguinal and/or iliohypogastric nerve(s) can be entrapped in scar tissue or may simply be irritated by the layers of muscle sliding across one another during movements. think about it- two layers of muscle, fairly thin, with nerves not only passing through the muscle itself but also in between the two layers. each layer is responsible for your torso moving/twisting/bending in unique ways; the grain of the muscle fibers run in different directions for each layer.
note the inguinal ring's location along the obliques. think about how that ring can be stretched or even torn. note the nerve bundle and veins that pass through that ring. when that ring is physically altered, don't you think that that vascular and nervous bundle would also be alterted and irritated?
incidentally, that bundle also contains the spermatic cord. under the cord is the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve. naturally, an injury in this area can cause nerve irritation which equals pain in the pathways of those nerves and the spermatic cord.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

nerve pathways and how they relate to your groin pain

this is a very good article that informs the reader, with great images, of specific nerve pathways in the pelvis. i found this to be a good tool for understanding the nerves that are indicated in sports hernia and related or co-injuries.

nerve pathways

many people with this condition feel pain along the pathways of these two nerves. in the ap injury, the genital branch genitofemoral nerve (not pictured here) is also injured and inflamed.

torn external oblique aponeurosis

sometimes in sports hernia injuries, the sufferer can also have an injury to the aponeurosis of the external oblique and/or the muscle itself. this happens most often in hockey players, and has been termed "hockey groin syndrome." the tearing of the tissue can cause scarring and entrapment of the ilioinguinal nerve.
i am not sure if some methods of ap surgery can actually see this tearing in addition to the transverse fascial tearing that is always tended to.
the ilioinguinal nerve has been the cause of chronic groin pain for many people. the path of the nerve passes right down to the pubic bone and branches off from there....if it is entrapped and irritated enough, there can be nerve cross-talk in the area which can only make matters worse for the sufferer.