Sunday, October 28, 2007

visceral manipulation for buildup of scar tissue around groin

this is an osteopathic approach developed by respected osteopath jean pierre barral of france. he has spent over 30 years working on this manual therapy as a way to relieve a person of chronic pains and ailments. it is essentially osteopathic manipulation of the organs in the abdomen, pelvis, and chest. it can work wonders for those who have suffered extensive damage during a long-term sentence with a sports hernia. it can help undo some of the nerve irritation and then some. for more info.

1 comment:

Barral Institute said...

Hello from the Barral Institute. In 2007 Jean-Pierre Barral,DO, developer of Visceral Manipulation formed a new organization to further his development of Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation Therapies, as well as continue to share this information through seminars for healthcare professional.

Thank you for the work you are doing to educate people about Visceral Manipulation.

Please note that our new website is (the site may be taken down in the future).

Thank you again for your work!

Kind regards, The Barral Institute Team